Dec 30, 2009

new zines

After an embarrassingly long vacation from zining, Chloe Liked Olivia Issue Two is nearly complete.

If you've ordered anything from me it should be in the mail soon!

CLO2 cover up soon! I promise :)

Feb 9, 2009

bra strap

Bra Strap is a work in progress. I started working on it in October 2008 and hope to finish it by June 2009. It has three erotic stories and some drawings to be enjoyed by women of a vague sexual persuasion.

chloe liked olivia

Chloe liked Olivia is a zine of stories of female friendship, assembled in October 2008. Reviewed in Broken Pencil issue #42.
I am working on a second volume of this zine to be finished (hopefully) by September 2009.

twenty happening

Twenty Happening was assembled in October 2008. It is poetry written over my last year of high school and my first two years of university.

my sticker collection

My Sticker Collection is a perzine I put together for Canzine 2007. It is personal ravings punctuated by my fifteen year-old sticker collection and some drawings.

broken birds issues 1-4

Broken Birds is my first zine. There are four issues and they are bits of collage and poetry and prose and other people's work. This zine was made between June and October 2006.